29th February 2024
Dear friends,
After the memorable experiences we had in 2016 and 2020, #1DayMore4Volleyball returns this year for its third edition. It is a special and right way to promote our sport on this extra day, February 29, that we get to enjoy only once every four years and to capitalise on the success of this initiative, which has already managed to mobilise tens of thousands of people to play Volleyball and have fun with it.
This time, our quadrennial action will focus on delivering a message of diversity and inclusion, thereby showing that Volleyball truly is a sport for all – regardless of your abilities, social background, age, gender, etc. Volleyball unites us in a spirit of friendly competition and helps us build bridges, which is especially important in the very tumultuous times that we are currently living in.
The truly unique concept introduced in 2016 has been refined and we invite you to join your peers from across Europe to show that anyone can play Volleyball, anywhere and at any time. This invitation goes well beyond February 29 – since we wish to emphasise and promote the importance of a daily healthy lifestyle, which is equally good for both body and soul. It helps regenerate your mind, develops sound social skills, and makes you understand the importance of teamwork, while respecting one another and sticking to a spirit of fair play.
We hope many of you will join us for this action and I encourage you to leave your comfort zone, be creative and innovative – and to involve as many of your colleagues and friends as possible, with some extra motivation resulting from the cool prizes that will be at stake this year.
Let us turn #1DayMore4Volleyball 2024 into a real celebration of our sport and of its power to unite people!
Aleksandar BORIČIĆ
CEV President
History (2016)
Many people still remember the first edition of the campaign, and they do so fondly, February 29, 2016. That was a truly historic day for Volleyball when more than 49,000 people participated in #1DayMore4Volleyball playing as many as 4,500 matches across 551 cities all over Europe in 901 different venues.
The action involved 28 of the then 55 CEV member federations with exhibition matches up to the symbolic mark of 29 points organised and played from the Russian Far East to Gibraltar, thereby involving schools, professional and amateur players, young and old, and even the national men’s Sitting Volleyball teams of Italy and Poland.
Poland and Serbia were the countries recording the highest number of participants, accounting for some 15,000 and 12,000, respectively. Even the staff working at the CEV headquarters in Luxembourg joined #1DayMore4Volleyball, playing one Volleyball and one Sitting Volleyball match against their colleagues of the Luxembourg Volleyball Federation and other members of the Grand Duchy’s Volleyball family!
The 2020 Edition
The 2020 edition took the original concept to the next level, with the action taking place in conjunction with the leap day, i.e. February 29, 2020. The aim was to increase participation and to account for as much exposure and visibility as possible, to make it a viral theme on social media. As the name suggests, it was all about ‘one day for Volleyball’, where our sport took centre stage and inspired especially the younger ones to play the game and live a healthy lifestyle.